Who to contact? When? How?
We are very keen to ensure that as a school we are in regular communication with all parents and other stakeholders in our school. There are a number of ways that you can contact the school as outlined below.
The school office are able to deal with matters arising during the school day or relating to non-class based issues such as clubs, lunches etc.
The first port of call for any specific child related issued should be the classteacher who will be around at the start and end of most days for a quick chat or to schedule a meeting for a longer discussion. Communication with the class teacher can be by ClassDojo or email as described below in our 'Guidance on Communication'.
If you have done this and are still concerned about an issue or feel that it has not been dealt with please contact Mr Laing (Head of School)
In the event that you are very concerned about something taking place in school please contact the Chair of Governors, Mrs Sarah Asher, who can be contacted either through the school office or by email to chair@walton-on-the-hill.surrey.sch.uk.
As we are part of Surrey County Council, we follow their guidance and complaints procedure. Please click here to see our complaint procedures in our key policies.
Please click here to see Surrey's Children's social care, education and SEND complaints guidance.